Winchester does not produce a ‘type’. Instead, we instil a respect for the individual and a keenness to contribute to the community. That community is made up of many bright minds, across the pupils, dons and support staff.

Dominic Jones

Deputy Director of Studies

Dominic joins us from King Edward's School in Birmingham, where he spent four years as Head of Classics.
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Emma Macey

Dean, Academic Strategy

Emma has been a dedicated teacher for over 20 years. She holds a Bachelor of Art Education, a Bachelor of Design, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education, and is currently pursuing her Master of Educational Psychology.
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Dónal McCann

Head of Chapel Music and Choral Partnerships

Dónal directs the College’s Chapel Choir, and is responsible for the musical education of the Quiristers. In his new role as Head of Choral Partnerships, he fosters relationships locally and further afield, creating new and inspiring musical experiences.
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Nathan Williams

Geography don and Assistant Housemaster

Mr Williams joined Winchester College in 2018 as a Geography don and Head of Rowing. Nathan is well known by pupils across the school and has a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of young people.
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Simon Mildinhall

Surmaster Pastoral

Since joining Winchester it has been wonderful to meet so many engaged and engaging individuals whose curiosity for the world around them drives them to learn not just that which is required but what intrigues them.
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Melanie Bushell

Director of Development

My role at Winchester involves raising funds to support the school’s strategic vision and helping the worldwide community of Old Wykehamists stay connected with the College and each other.
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Michelle Moyer

Head Librarian

I am thrilled to join Winchester College at this exciting time in its history, and look forward to ensuring that Moberly Library remains a world-class facility. Moberly Library's ever-evolving collections - both books and digital resources - directly support the curriculum and provide supplemental reading material for those who wish to dive deeper into their subject areas, or simply relax with a good book.
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Sarah Baldock

Director of Music

The excellence and ambition of the musicians at Winchester attracted me to this role and I am still taking in the breadth of options for our pupils. However, I make it clear to all new pupils: if there is something musical you want to do here and it is not on offer – or seems out of reach - I am here to see if we can realize the aspiration.
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Iain Smith

Second Master

Winchester is an enchanting and beautiful place to live and work and I am delighted to be joining the community at this exciting time in its history and evolution. I have spent my career working in boarding schools, but each with their own model, including single-sex and coeducational environments and, more recently, those with sizable day pupil populations.
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Clare Hughes

Matron, Kingsgate House

My aim is to ensure the young people in my care feel safe and secure in the wonderful environs of the College and develop into well-rounded, young adults we can all be proud of.
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Sarah Walters

Matron, Moberly’s

As a parent, I knew the importance of the Matron to my own son when he was boarding and how valuable it was for me to know he was being cared for so well. I am very approachable and aim to create a home from home, with a door-always-open environment, where pupils feel confident, supported, and heard.
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Reverend Dr Hester Jones

Senior Chaplain and Dean of Chapel

I am excited to be joining Winchester College as senior Chaplain, and to be bringing together in one place the different sides of my calling. It is a great privilege to be asked to serve here, especially as we prepare to welcome girls and day pupils to the College.
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Year 12

Arriving at Winchester following months of anticipation, excitement and expectation was the fulfilment of a dream for me. The college was everything I could have ever imagined – and much, much more.
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Dr Alex Latter

Master in College

Dr Latter joined Winchester as the Head of English in September 2019 and became Master in College in 2022. He is responsible for the Election process, from initial discussions with potential candidates about their suitability for Election, through to the final selection of the scholars.
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Hannah Fletcher

Head of Educational Partnerships

This is an exciting time of change, with the new vision for Winchester College in the 21st Century establishing an increased focus on partnerships with other schools and broadening access.
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Mark Burley

Director of Sport

As Director of Sport at Winchester I want the boys to experience and enjoy the elation of winning, but also to recognise the lessons that can be learned from committing to a common goal and overcoming disappointments and defeats. Such attributes will continue to shape and influence our pupils well into their later lives.
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Helen Rowe

Matron, College

I love being a Matron: the job is different every day and I am surrounded by the energy of young people and the beauty of the buildings and the grounds. I am very lucky to have a fantastic garden here and even get to keep chickens!
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Year 12

The best thing about Winchester is the range of choices and independence we have.
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Paresh Thakrar


When I joined Winchester, I was struck immediately by its unique blend of tradition and modernity; and secondly, the passion for learning and ideas that's obvious in everyone you meet - don and student.
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Ben Cunningham

Assistant Director of Chapel Music

As Assistant Director of Chapel Music, I support Howard Ionascu in the running of the Quiristers and the Chapel Choir, and play the organ for all the choral services, as well as teaching in the music department.
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Sonja Barber

Matron, Morshead's

Being a matron is a hugely varied role but I believe the core tenet is to ensure the pupils feel secure and happy. This involves knowing them well and ensuring they are confident that you will try to help them with whatever problem they bring to you.
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Year 13

At Winchester there is such a strong sense of community. It isn't a huge school and feels almost like a home away from home. Staying indoors on a rainy day, chatting with friends, crowding around the radiator and sharing funny stories can be one of the most special experiences of your life.
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Year 11

Winchester manages to be many things. It's old yet somehow feels modern, completely different but very quickly familiar, academic but sport thrives. Winchester gives you the freedom to explore the town and try any sport that catches your curiosity. From rowing to aikido or even rackets. Winchester lets you try new things and then, eventually, choose how you want to succeed.
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James McKinnel

Housemaster, Turner's

James teaches History, Div and plenty of sport across the school, and is a lay chaplain. He is a committee member for the Crown and Manor club and a school governor. James is Housemaster of Turner's.
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Aurélien Vieilleville

Housemaster, Moberly's

One of the most rewarding things about Winchester is that the many different facets to boarding life mean dons have diverse responsibilities and environments in which they get to know their pupils. Working in such an environment is incredibly stimulating and rewarding, with pupils who are eager to reach their full potential and colleagues who share a passion for their subjects.
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Rupert Mercer

Classics and Div Don

Rupert teaches Classics and, his great favourite, first-year Div, as well as coaching football, tennis and, of course, Winkies. He does a valiant job of pretending to know all of the rules.
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Golf Scholar 2019

I have experienced the huge benefits of learning in an institution that recognises the importance of individuals and encourages you to try different things.
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Lawrence Beech

Director of IT

I am excited to be working in a school that really embraces change and is promoting the use of modern technology in education. The school leadership team has continued to invest in our IT and infrastructure to create a modern learning environment within the backdrop of a beautiful, historic campus.
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Anthony Dakin


Anthony studied English Literature at Cambridge, and has taught at Winchester since 2000. He coaches cricket, golf and soccer, and is involved with drama and creative writing at the school.
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Suzanne Foster

College Archivist

Climbing towers and using old keys took a bit of getting used to but I quickly discovered that the archives were full of wonderful things - letters signed by Elizabeth I, Anglo-Saxon Charters and pieces of quill still lodged in the pages of volumes where the scribe had sharpened his pen.
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Alan Smith

Head Gardener

Gardening in the shadows of great buildings that have seen centuries of world events and working where many have once toiled, is very humbling.  
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John Cullerne

Surmaster Academic

In addition to teaching Physics, Maths and Div, I also run Faith Circles, a weekly meeting of all the boys from non-Christian traditions. I’m also Master in Charge of all martial arts.  
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Karlene Cullen

Lead Nurse, Medical Centre

Our team of paediatric nurses know that teenage years can be a challenging time for some so we spend a lot of time getting to know the boys.  
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Clare Talks

Director of Community Service and Geography Don

Community Service is a journey of self-discovery.  Our boys are encouraged to work out of their comfort zone. They learn to become self-reliant in challenging situations, to engage and empathise with others, and to give unreservedly and wholeheartedly of their time and talents. 
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Richard Foster

Fellows’ Librarian and Keeper of Collections

A typical day might involve teaching a class about 16th century maps, discussing medieval manuscripts with a visiting researcher, and helping pupils to plan an exhibition in the school’s museum.
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Callum Barnes

Head of Design & Technology and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

As assistant housemaster in Du Boulay’s (Cook’s), I tend to eat most of my evening meals with the boys as well as several lunches during the week. It gives me the opportunity to catch up with them on their day, talk about things that are coming up or general conversations on unexpected topics!
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Year 12

I love the atmosphere of a lazy Sunday. You can go in to town, play football or do whatever you like.
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